5S Soldering Workstation Organizer
- Increases productivity by reducing time spent looking for tools
- 5S compliance (Sort, Sweep, Shine, Standardize & Sustain)
- Improves aesthetic appearance of the assembly area
- Organizes assembly Work Stations & Classrooms
- Decreases shrinkage by aiding in end-of-shift visual accountability
- Fitted for wire strippers, cutters, needle nose and round nose pliers and other hand tools, soldering iron tips of most brands & sizes, solvent & flux dispensers, pencils & pens, tweezers, lead forming tool, IC inserter, solder wicking rolls, orange stick and soldering aids, Flux Pens®, Pen-Vac®, ExactoTM knife, dental probes, eye loop & numerous assembly tools
- Includes two small cup openings for holding parts, hardware, terminals finger cots and/or clippings
- Drip tray slot for solvent brushes
- ESD safe material ANSI/ESD S20.20
- ...and more

Download workstation organizer flyer [1.4MB]
Please email us at info@omnitraining.com or call (909) 941-9495 if you have any questions or need further details.
Tools sold separately. Call for quantity discounts. Patent Pending.